
Monday, October 10, 2011

Oct. 10th, 2011

 The Day We First Meet Was The 4Th Of July. Me And My Mom And My Sisters Went To the park to see them.Then that was how we meet.Mom and dad were close they had a lot of things in common.Dad came over the next day and we came over to there house to eat  with them.We came over to there house the next day they have two cats and two dogs. wen we first fond out mom and dad were getting marred we were happy wen we moved in we fond out that dad was a solder we cried wen dad left he left for there weeks now he is going to be gone for a year.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           I love you dad i miss you come home safe.    


  1. Boo baby, I am so proud of you for deciding to blog. Your dad is proud of you too.

  2. I love and miss yall very much. Thank you so much for all of this,it means alot to me. I LOVE YOU. DAD

  3. I love my little sister, monkey boo! I'm very proud of you little sister, you can sing, you can write, you can shake your cute butt LOL love you!
